Frequently Asked Questions

Booking Support

Can I book by phone?
We currently offer online booking only. Bookings may be done at
I can not find the location that I am looking for.
If your expected search result is not loading, please enter the city name only and allow the results to load.
How do I get a bigger discount?
Become a Premium member to receive the most value. Premium members receive up to 60% off hotels and 25% percent off multi-room vacation condos.
What is the “Best Rate” price?
Our Best Rate pricing reflects the pricing available to Premium members. Premium members receive up to 60% off hotels and 25% percent off multi-room vacation condos.
What payment methods do you accept?
We currently accept cards displaying a Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express logo.
Can I book now and pay later?
We currently require that all reservations are paid in full at the time of booking.

Reservation Support

Can I modify my booking?
Once made, bookings can not be modified, including the guest name, room type, or dates.
What should I do if I can not check in on my scheduled arrival date?
If you will not be able to arrive on your scheduled check-in date, please contact the hotel directly to notify them. Some reservations state that the reservation will be canceled if the guest does not check in by midnight and does not notify the hotel.
How can I cancel my trip?
If the policy of your booking permits cancellation, it can be canceled by selecting My Trips[a], selecting your booking, and clicking the cancel button. Please note that each booking has a unique cancellation policy and some bookings are non-cancellable and non-refundable.
When will I get my refund for a canceled booking?
Most refunds are received within 5-7 business days.
Can I cancel a non-refundable booking if I have an emergency?
We can request cancellation of a non-cancellable and non-refundable booking for a limited number of extenuating circumstances. Refunds for non-cancellable bookings are determined by our hotel supplier and are not guaranteed. Requests for an exception to the cancellation policy typically take 1-2 weeks to process.
I upgraded my account after booking my trip, can I get a partial refund?
Hotel prices are determined by membership type at the time of booking. If you desire an upgraded membership, please upgrade prior to booking your room as pricing adjustments will not be made afterward.