//The script from the previous step must be added in the head section as it defines the "fpr" function //so make sure it's available on the page where you make the "fpr('referral...)" call. // for React, Vue, Angular, etc... you can call the function a success callback after user // signs up or finishes the checkout. In this example we consider that the email is returned // on the response data. // for PHP, if you store the email in the $email variable you can call it like this in the // thank-you / confirmation page after user signs up / makes the purchase // if you're using a checkout plugin or service that appends the email to the thank-you page like // https://website.com/[email protected] you can grab the email from the url and pass // it to the function // you can also grab the email when the user clicks on the "Pay", "Subscribe" or any other submit button // !!! Make sure it doesn't redirect the form instantly, otherwise the redirection can block any // ongoing requests, including the tracking one.

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