Registering My Flight

What is my airline code?

VacayDelay uses IATA airline designators. Examples include Southwest Airlines (WN), Delta Airlines (DL), Alaska Airlines (AS), American Airlines (AA), Frontier Airlines (F9), or Jet Blue (B6). If you are uncertain of your airline's code, please use the airline search here.

Is my flight eligible to register for VacayDelay?
To determine if your upcoming flight is eligible for VacayDelay, please click here.
When can I register my flight? (Updated)
You may register your flight anytime after your flight is booked up until 6 hours prior to the scheduled departure time. Flights may not be registered less than 6 hours before the scheduled departure time.
How do I register my flight?

Simply sign up for VacayDelay and then enter the requested flight information. If you are already a VacayDelay member, log in and enter your flight information. Be sure that the name you register with matches your boarding pass.

Flight Number Format

Enter with two-character airline designator and your 1-to-4 digit flight number.
For example, United Airlines Flight #3839 would be entered as: UA3839

Can I use VacayDelay during my layover?
VacayDelay is designed to assist travelers during flight delays. Regularly scheduled layovers do not qualify for VacayDelay unless the next flight is delayed by 60+ minutes. Be sure to register each leg of your flight.
Do I need to register each flight separately if I have a layover?

Yes, each flight during your traveling journey will need to be registered separately.

Do I need to register my traveling companion(s)?

Yes, your travel companions need to be registered in order to receive lounge vouchers. You will be able to add additional travelers when registering your flight, and you must be traveling on the same flight. In the event of a 60+ minute flight delay, each individual registered passenger will be issued with an individual lounge voucher, which is for their use and is strictly non-transferable.

Vouchers will be issued directly to the VacayDelay member, and may be forwarded to your traveling companions if you would like them to be able to access the lounge without you.

Do I need to register my child?

Each individual lounge has its own policies on the admission of children. Before registering the flight, please check the policies of the lounges at the airport you are flying from to determine whether you should register for your child. You can refer to lounge information online at

If the lounge does not accept children, please do not register your child as he/she will not be accepted, as per the lounge regulations.

If the lounge allows entry for children under two years old without payment, you will not need to register the child.

Can I use VacayDelay if my flight is cancelled?
Unfortunately, cancelled flights do not qualify for VacayDelay lounge access.
Why is VacayDelay not available for my flight?
Flights can be registered for VacayDelay prior to their originally scheduled departure time. If VacayDelay is unavailable for your upcoming flight, it often means that your departing airport does not have a lounge in the VacayDelay network. VacayDelay tracks almost all major commercial airline flights, but there may be limitations for airlines/airports that do not report data regularly. Charter airlines are not supported. Register your flights in advance of planned travel. Flights that are already delayed can not be registered.
How many flights can I register each day?
Up to 4 flights may be registered each day. If you need support registering additional flights, please contact [email protected]
Can I register flights for another person?
No, VacayDelay is designed for use by an individual person only, and only the registered HelloVacay member may be listed as the primary traveler for flight registrations in their account. While registering each flight, names of up to 4 additional passengers may be added; the additional passengers do not need to have a HelloVacay membership.
What should I know about your misuse policy?
Flights may only be registered for VacayDelay by a ticketed passenger. It is expressly prohibited to register any flight that the member does not have a ticket for. If a VacayDelay account is flagged for unusual activity, HelloVacay reserves the right to immediately cancel both the flagged account and upcoming flight registrations without compensation. HelloVacay has a zero tolerance policy for misuse of VacayDelay.

Lounge and Airport Experience

My flight has been delayed, now what?
If your flight is delayed 60+ minutes, your lounge voucher will be delivered to your registered email address and mobile number. To access your lounge voucher, you will need a mobile device that is able to download and open PDF attachments.

If you have registered your travel companions, you will receive multiple PDF attachments in a single email and SMS. Each PDF is an individual lounge voucher containing a unique QR code for each person. You may choose to forward the lounge vouchers to your additional passengers so that they can access the lounge without your physical presence.

If you have not received your lounge voucher for your eligible, registered flight after a delay of 60 minutes or more, we recommend checking the spam folder and promotions tabs in your email. If still not received, contact 24/7 customer support at +1 332-208-9468. You will be asked to provide your name, the email you use to register, your flight number and departure date, the names of any additional travelers who you registered, and VacayDelay/HelloVacay as your lounge access provider.

Please note that data roaming charges may apply if you utilize your data service.

How do I gain access to the airport lounge?

Present the lounge voucher to the airport lounge on your mobile device, You may also be required to present your boarding pass and passport for verification.

What's included at the lounge?
Each individual lounge has its own policies and services. To find out more about a lounge, you can search online at
Can I bring guests into the lounge with me?

Only registered travelers who have received a lounge voucher may access the lounge. Please be sure to register your travel companions prior to the scheduled departure time of your flight.

How long will my lounge voucher be valid?

Once issued, each lounge voucher will be valid for 24 hours.

How long can I stay in the lounge?

Each individual lounge has its own policies and services. To find out more about a lounge, you can search online at

General Questions

What is VacayDelay?

VacayDelay offers complimentary airport lounge access during flight delays.

How does it work?

Simply register your flight prior to the scheduled departure time and include up to 4 traveling companions. We will keep track of your flight’s status and if your flight is delayed for an hour or more, we will send you complimentary access to your nearest participating airport lounge.

How is a delay calculated?

Delays are based on ‘gate’ delay reporting from airlines and airports to FlightStats (our third party flight data tracker). Should FlightStats report a qualifying delay the system will issue the lounge vouchers. The minimum 60 minute delay can be a single announcement or a series of shorter delays adding up to at least 60 minutes.

VacayDelay tracks almost all major commercial airline flights, but there are limitations against airlines/airports that do not report data regularly. Charter airlines are not supported.

Can I use the lounge if my flight is on time or delayed less than 60 minutes?

VacayDelay is designed to offer a comfortable waiting experience during flight delays. We do not currently offer lounge access for flights that are on time, cancelled, or have been delayed by less than 60 minutes.


Can I change my email address after registration has been submitted?

Once you submit a registration you cannot change any of the details. Instead, please cancel the registration and re-register.

What should I do if I have not received my lounge voucher after a 60 minute delay?
Please check the email address registered with your flight, including your spam folder and/or promotions tab. If you did not receive communication with your lounge voucher for your eligible, registered flight after a delay of 60 minutes or more, please contact 24/7 customer service at 332-208-9468 or [email protected].

You will be asked to provide your name, the email you use to register, your flight number and departure date, the names of any additional travelers who you registered, and VacayDelay/HelloVacay as your lounge access provider.

Can my lounge voucher be re-sent if I accidentally deleted it?

If you have accidentally deleted your email, we recommend accessing the trash/junk folder in your email account. If you need additional support, please contact 24/7 customer service at +44 203 725 1601 or [email protected].

Why was I denied access to the airport lounge?

If you and/or your additional passengers might be denied entry to a lounge, even with the lounge vouchers, if any of the following happens:

  • The lounge is closed when the delay occurs. In this case, please approach alternative lounge(s) if available.
  • The lounge is already at full capacity. In this case, please approach alternative lounge(s) if available.
  • The passenger name on the boarding pass does not match the name on the lounge voucher. Unfortunately, in this case, no alternative offer will be available.
  • You or a member of your group does not meet the lounge terms and conditions (such as minimum age, or dress code). In this case, please approach alternative lounge(s) if available.
How can I get additional support if my flight has been delayed and I do not see the answer here?

For additional support, please contact 24/7 customer service at +44 203 725 1601 or [email protected].